Year on year we turn the pages on 12 chapters of our lives, and focus attention on the year ahead like a sequel in a series of novels.
Books, businesses and schools wind down.
We gather as families and in friendship groups to commemorate, celebrate and collectively crave a fresh direction.
More money
Less stress
Better health
More time
Greater boundaries
New job, home, life
World peace
Personal safety and security
The 31st of December is an auspicious moment.
An auspicious moment each year of the gift of time to reflect, dream and recalibrate. Like all auspicious moments, what happens next is what we choose.
A dream without a plan and consequent action remains exactly that: a dream.
As we rush head-on towards our collective auspicious moment, what dreams will we turn into plans and actions? And importantly, how will we recalibrate so that we do not simply replicate the past with new year’s-tinted lenses?
It is difficult to walk a newly discovered path without a map. And while it may be the first time we walk any given path, others have likely done so. To take that first step we can look to those who have gone before. Directly or tangentially. We can look to the collective knowledge and gain confidence from those who have previously navigated our personal new waters.
2023: tread boldly.