
As we rush head-on towards our collective auspicious moment, what dreams will we turn into plans and actions? And importantly, how will we recalibrate so that we do not simply replicate the past with new year’s-tinted lenses?

Backcasting: act with the end in mind
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now - Chinese proverb.

Watch My Waste
Reducing food waste is one of the most impactful climate actions we can take.
Wasting food wastes the resources required to grow, make, move and sell food. In Australia, food waste generates 17.5 million tonnes of CO2 each year – 3% of Australia’s total annual greenhouse gas emissions.

Living today for tomorrow
“We are not here merely to make a living. We are here to enrich the world.” - Woodrow Wilson

Beyond Mars
Live a purposeful life.
Embody what you believe.
Make memorable and important change.

Only One Earth
Only One Earth. It is time for us to look beyond ourselves to see and remember that we are inextricably bound to all people and all living things.

What a simulated Mars mission taught me about food waste
As a food waste researcher, I’m interested in how humans prepare food, eat and manage leftovers. This interest is not just confined to Earth – it extends to other planets.

Leftover life: could you survive on other people's food scraps for a week?
Almost a third of Australians leave food on their plate when dining out, so Dianne McGrath challenged herself to live off their leftovers